Interesting stuff I've seen this week.
Interesting stuff I’ve seen this week
Tecnological Stagnation: “We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters” - This post argues that scientific and technological research has slowed down in the last 50 years.
Improving how we deploy GitHub : This post explains how Github is deployed, and the problems they had with their previous model. It’s interesting to see that they only merge code to their main branch when it has been deployed. It somehow reminds me to how we deploy things at Shopify.
Are we really engineers?: Are Software Engineers really engineers? How is our work different, and similar to other engineer disciplines.
We are not special: Software engineering is different to traditional engineering, but all engineering disciplines have some particularities. Software engineering, however, is more similar to traditional engineering that we usually think.
What engineering can teach (and learn from) us: Third part of the series. We have very open communities, and some unique tools (VCS), but we can learn very important lessons from other engineering disciplines.
- Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga: The dream of two aspiring musicians from Iceland is to win the Eurovision song contest. Definitely not the best movie you’ll ever watch, but funny and entertaining. Worth watching if you don’t want to think much, and need to disconnect!
[ESP] La canica azul - E01 - Nave Tierra: First episode of “La canica azul”, a Spanish podcast about sustainability and the climate emergency. This first episode talks about the first attempts to conservation.
Venture Research with Donald Braben - Narratives :: Podcast about how scientific work and research is funded, and the problems that the current system have.